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Dave Bridgeman

Committee Member

I was born in Liverpool in 1944 I began my working life at Dunlop's factory in development and design until I was 19 then moved to Rushden in Northamptonshire. I have since worked in the shoe industry designing and making shoes.
In 1972 I heard that there was a Club that flew model planes in the Nene valley and went down there to watch. It was not long before I had built a plane and brought a radio and was down at the N V A flying site, Jeff Thomson (one of the founder members) was there learning to fly one of the first Helicopters in the country. In the usual manner of Clubs the more experienced fliers helped me to set up and fly my pride and joy.
That was the start of my modelling hobby, and I have been involved in it off and on till now although I have specialised in flying helicopters for the last five years, and get a lot of enjoyment from the hobby both flying and meeting friends old and new.
I have three Helicopters - A Robbe Futura Super Sport, a Futura SE and an Excell 60, and I enjoy flying and maintaining all three of them.
I am married to Sandra and we now live at Blisworth near Northampton.